Change Management Partnership (CMP)

With Leadership teams stretched to capacity dealing with day-to-day issues, functional managers are often forced to abandon a strategic level focus just to keep daily operations performing satisfactorily.

In these situations, senior business leaders looking for strategic level manufacturing input are increasingly turning to our CMP service as a constructive way to free up existing resource or fill a skills gap.

Flexibility is the watchword that really sets apart the benefits of using our CMP service, with placements lasting from just a few weeks up to several months.

Whether it’s to support and/or manage change programmes, ensuring the delivery of critical projects on time and within budget, or covering long term absence/ extended leave. Our CMP executives will start to provide on-site expertise the moment they land.

Advocates of our CMP services point to a number of key business benefits:


1) Expertise & knowledge

CMP executives can bring skills and knowledge to address a specific problem or situation, and as a temporary fixture their experience is helpful rather than threatening to current members of staff. As an example, BTA’s Lean consultants have practical experience across a range of sectors and are often bought in because of a particular specialism.

2) Speed of deployment

CMP executives can usually be placed at short notice (essential when business pressures are mounting and a deadline looms), they don’t require a long induction process and are well versed in adapting to their new surroundings in order to hit the ground running. Quite often an initial meeting can combine an assessment of suitability with a discussion around the business issues, negating the requirement for multiple interviews.

3) Objectivity

With no political agenda or hang-ups, they can bring a fresh perspective to a situation by taking a ‘what’s best for the business’ approach. For this reason, CMP executives are adept at dealing with uncomfortable truths and picking up unpopular activities. As a result, they are often deployed on sensitive business assignments such as restructuring arrangements leading to possible redundancy situations. They’re also well positioned to spot any potential warning signs and openly share such insight with the client.

4) Accountability

As experienced practitioners, CMP executives are responsible for delivering a project through to completion or managing an area of the business, and as such expect to be held accountable for the results. They act as a ‘safe pair of hands’ providing reassurance to the senior management team that projects are on-track.

5) Effectiveness

Often operating at a senior level, CMP executives are more than just an extra headcount. Where it’s required, they should be given the authority and credibility to act as an agent of change, where they can use their expertise to add significant value to the business in what can often be challenging situations.

6) Commitment 

A CMP executives’ career is entirely dependent on future assignments, so they have a firm stake in the success of their current project. This may not be the case with some interim / temporary workers who may be motivated by a day rate.

7) Leaving a legacy

With their unique perspective and experience, CMP executives have a deep depository of knowledge that existing staff can tap into. And with no permanent position to defend, there is little self interest in holding on that knowledge. In fact, at the outset stage this wish to ‘leave a legacy’ and develop existing personnel may well be written in to the initial project brief.

8) Return on Investment

Hired with a specific remit and brief, CMP executives are focussed on delivering a solution or outcome that provides a meaningful ROI. From a financial perspective the expected rate of return should be estimated before agreeing the assignment to understand objectively, if the project justifies the investment.


Why choose BTA for your Operational Excellence solution

Our CMP executives are up to date with the latest best practice and can offer you a genuine consultative service, rather than just an off the shelf solution that may not be right for your circumstances. We'll also be providing continual support to the CMP executive whilst they are working with you, meaning that you're not just getting the benefit of the executive consultant, but the full support of BTA.

As a cost-effective solution to your resourcing requirements, our CMP service can focus on strategic projects through to supporting day to day operational tasks. Whilst your needs may vary during an assignment, our flexibility means that you can vary the level of support both up and down to meet your demands.

For an informal discussion on how our CMP service can help your business please contact us.